Tybee Drives Home #MaskUpTybee Message

Tybee Drives Home #MaskUpTybee Message
The City of Tybee Island is literally driving home its message on mask safety. Starting this week, city vehicles will begin sporting masks as part of our “#MaskUpTybee” campaign in an effort to put the brakes on the spread of COVID-19. Check out city arborist Brent Levy kicking it in gear with his latest truck accessories.
#MaskUpTybee #MaskUpGaCities
We Are Proud to Announce Six New Businesses 
The list keeps growing! We now have six new businesses on Tybee Island with the announcement of Gallery 80. This new gallery will replace Justabreeze, whose owners have decided to retire and dote on their grandkids! This wave of new businesses is a phenomenal feat, considering the times we are in.  Congratulations to the brave entrepreneurs who are hanging out a shingle in our town.

Please put on your face masks and go support our small businesses on Tybee. 

Gallery 80 on Tybee (Formerly Justabreeze Gallery)
Beau & Arrow Frozen Yogurt
Cockspur Grill
Pier 16 Seafood Restaurant
Sea Wolf Restaurant
Irritable Pelican Artisan Gallery
Leave Only Your Footprints on the Beach
When visiting our beaches on Tybee Island, we want you to take only memories and leave only your footprints. Look for our new beach signage on and near beach crossovers reminding everyone of beach rules and etiquette. Thank you for helping to Keep Tybee Tidy.

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